From 1999 to 2011, we made $600,000 worth of improvements to youth baseball and softball fields from Germantown to Anacostia. Big Train baseball helped the Cal Ripken Sr. Collegiate Baseball League collect 60,846 pounds of food for the Manna Food Center from 2010 to 2019.
For eleven seasons from 2009 to 2019, with the support of the Jim and Carol Trawick Foundation, Big Train provided local nonprofit organizations with 100 free tickets each and an opportunity to showcase their organizations to our fans.
More than 400 local nonprofits benefitted from the Nonprofits of the Night program.
In response to challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we transitioned to a program of hosting community heroes from a different nonprofit at each home game. We dedicated our 2021 Big Train season to the community heroes -- the nurses, first responders, doctors, grocery store clerks, and others -- who worked so tirelessly on the frontlines during the pandemic.
in 2023 we honored six more individual heroes who make our community, county, region, and nation stronger:
- Chuck Williams, Scotland A.M.E. Zion Church and Second Century Project
- Mark Bucher, Feed the Fridge
- Tom Manger, U.S. Capitol Police Chief and former Chief of the Montgomery County Police Department
- Jamie Raskin, United States Representative (MD-8)
- Lupi Quinteros-Grady, President & CEO, Latin American Youth Council (LAYC)
- Brooke Levey, Executive Director, Down Syndrome Network
Again this year, as in 2021 and 2022, the Jim and Carol Trawick Foundation is donating $250 to nonprofit organizations in honor of each of our 2023 Big Train Community Heroes.